Re-shipper conveyor system automation with vision system to reduce manual error
- Client faced filling issue like filled lesser quantity in the bottle or spillage in filler due to over fill because of not matching the recipe from control system and the actual bottle loaded to the filler. In both the cases they faced downtime
Our Solutions
- Two numbers of Cognex In-sight 7000 vision system along with HMI panel installed in re-shipper conveyor system to monitor the Pallet loader.
- Cognex system was configured for all the possible bottle types, shapes and sizes used in that line, which give feedback to the filler for amount of liquid to be filled.
- Modified the PLC program to check the incoming bottle with the loaded recipe and start the filling machine.
- The automation of the system successfully eliminated manual errors and significantly improved the Overall equipment effectiveness.
- Product wasted due to incorrect bottle is controlled and downtime of the filler unit because of liquid spillage eliminated
- System automation reduced overall operating cost by cutting down the manual operation.