Upscaling Machine Design for Increased Parts Production Efficiency in Laundry Equipment Manufacturing
- They faced challenges in meeting the customer expectations and market demand for metric-based measurements and it’s been crucial for customer satisfaction and market competitiveness.
- Re-Engineer imperial units-based tissue converting machine to metric units for meeting requirements of new geography
Our Solutions
- Discovery Phase – study of existing machine functions and defining project requirements for scale-up activity.
- Use existing machine design models to re-engineer expanders, clamping units, machine frames and material handling systems for machine to manufacture higher size washing machine drum in addition to current size.
- Design reviews, FMEA’s, Engineering Analysis of proposed design for meeting desired factor of safety.
- Tooling and trials for validating re-engineered design
- Capital Investment reduced by 50%.
- Time to market reduced by 3 months.
- Standardized the looks of the machine for both sizes.